For more information on AIT Cyber Range please contact:
Martin Latzenhofer
Senior Research Engineer of AIT Cyber Range
Security & Communication Technologies
Center for Digital Safety & Security
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 4 | 1210 Vienna| Austria
T +43 50550 4134
martin.latzenhofer [at]
Gregor Langner, MSc
Center for Digital Safety & Security
Competence Unit Security & Communication Technologies
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 4 | 1210 Vienna| Austria
T +43 664 88390672
gregor.langner [at]
Mag. (FH) Michael Mürling
Marketing and Communications
Center for Digital Safety & Security
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 4 | 1210 Vienna| Austria
M +43 664 2351747
michael.muerling [at]