On 6 and 7 November 2017 the Kuratorium Sicheres Österreich (KSÖ) in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology as technical partner organised a large-scale cyber security exercise in the attic of the TechGate Vienna. 200 local IT security experts from 32 well-known organisations, consisting of public authorities, business and science, practised the emergency on the basis of a virtual critical infrastructure and interactively put the current EU directive on network and information security (NIS) and the basic data protection regulation to the test.
The special technical framework for this was a special IT training and testing platform, the so-called AIT Cyber Range, which was developed at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. This Cyber Range is a virtual environment and allows for a flexible simulation of large and complex digital IT systems, thus providing a secure and realistic environment to analyse and test incidents in various scalable scenarios without using the real production systems of stakeholders. Thus, different security processes in the company can be trained or special incident response processes for cyber incidents can be tested.

Thanks to its flexible architecture, the AIT Cyber Range can be used for various applications in a wide range of configurations, such as digital industrial control systems, digital networks and critical infrastructures. This allows research, but also industrial and public sector actors to work in realistic environments on the design, implementation and validation of new methods, technologies and processes to achieve a higher level of security of the national defence against cyber attacks. This makes the AIT Cyber Range unique worldwide.
“The scale and professionalism of cyber threats has changed significantly in recent years. This massive development poses new challenges for industry and society. A comprehensive awareness of all stakeholders is therefore needed to build a common secure global infrastructure for our digital society and to fully protect our privacy. In this context, the AIT has set up a special IT training platform to offer cyber security exercises for companies,” says Helmut Leopold, Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security at AIT.
Reporting in the print media
- APA OTS: KSÖ: Sicherheit im Netz als Nagelprobe im Kampf gegen ausufernde Kriminalität
- APA Science: IT-Experten testen Österreichs Cybersicherheit in Planspiel
- DiePresse: Cybersicherheit: Trockenübung für den großen Angriff
- derStandard: Von Hackern und Hochstromleitungen
- Wiener Zeitung: Österreichs Cybersicherheit im Ernstfall-Test
- OE24: Österreich probt die Cyber-Katastrophe
- Futurezone/Kurier: Cybersicherheit: Österreich erprobt den Ernstfall
- Studium.at: IT-Experten testen Österreichs Cybersicherheit in Planspiel
- Bizbook Network; KSÖ: Sicherheit im Netz als Nagelprobe im Kampf gegen ausufernde Kriminalität
Radio reporting
Michael W. Mürling
Marketing and Communications
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Center for Digital Safety & Security
T +43 (0)664 235 17 47