News Overview
On 27 and 28 March 2024, the Counter Terrorism Preparedness Network (CTPN) and the United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism (UNOCT), in partnership with the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, conducted a strategic, scenario-based, roundtable table-top exercise focused on a terrorist cyber-attacks against critical infrastructure.
On 27.11.2023, the World Institute of Nuclear Security (WINS) and the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology conducted the fourth in a series of 5-day training courses designed to build awareness and organization capacity for defending against cyber-attacks at nuclear facilities. This particular courses was customized for participants from the UK Civil Nuclear Sector.
Austrian companies and government organisations trained for an emergency cyberattack in one of the most modern digital simulation environments
The fifth generation of mobile communications offers many opportunities by also posing challenges. With the increasing use of open standards and mainstream digital platforms, the threat to 5G networks is more present than ever.
As part of an ongoing cooperation between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the AIT as an appointed IAEA Collaborating Centre for Information and Computer Security for Nuclear Security, the latter hosts an annual week-long training course at its cyber range training premises in Vienna.
Security actors from Austria trained in a blackout scenario for the first time in a new digital simulation environment
AIT and IAEA have signed an agreement for a four-year programme to build awareness and skills around cyber security for nuclear safety in member states.
Security experts from Germany, Switzerland and Austria trained for an emergency as part of a hybrid cyber security exercise
Employees trained at the Cyber Range Training Center of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
World's most modern cyber security exercise in Vienna. 200 experts tested the emergency case of cyber attacks on critical infrastructures at AIT.